Warming Antarctica

Photo: Snow & Ice in Antarctica, Image by Angie Agostino from Pixabay
1. Antarctica has warmed up more than 3 times the global rate and South Pole warmed up by 7 times faster than rest of Antarctica in last 30 years due to Human driven climate change and natural rising of temperature in the tropical western pacific. 

2. South Pole is the coldest region having average temperatures range from -60℃ during winter to just -20℃ during summer.

3. Warmed by 1.8℃ between 1989 and 2018, altering more swiftly since the start of the 2000s 

4. Intense low-pressure systems and windier weather east of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Weddell Sea with clockwise flow around the low-pressure systems transporting warm, moist air on to the Antarctic plateau. 

5. Ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific, and several of the warmest years at the South Pole in the past two decades happened when the western tropical Pacific Ocean was also oddly warm. 

6. Ocean warming produces an atmospheric wave pattern across the South Pacific to Antarctica results in a stronger low-pressure system in the Weddell Sea. 

7. Shape of Antarctica has connection with strong regional variations in temperature trends. 

8. Westerly winds nearby East Antarctica keep the local climate somewhat stable, while frequent extreme storms in the high-latitude South Pacific transport warm, moist air to parts of West Antarctica. 

9. Multi-decadal temperature fluctuates are three times stronger than the projected warming from human-caused climate change of around 1℃. 

10.Human-induced warming is hard to determine inside of the Antarctic region 
