Environment Protection, Image by ejaugsburg from Pixabay |
1. People are hunting the animals and selling the meat, or trafficking the infants is forming environment perfect for a virus or a bacteria to cross the species barrier
2. Zoonotic diseases like COVID19 is incredibly infectious and even more devastating effect on humanity than this one could arise
3.Climate crisis- Climate change is a very real existential threat to humankind and we don't have that long to slow it down
4. Intensive farming is destroying the land slowly with the chemical poisons, and the monocultures which can be wiped out by a disease because there is no variation of crops being grown is leading to habitat destruction
5. Business as usual means toward the point of no return i.e. the ecosystems of the world will collapse and the end of us. Economic development through green economy to protect the environment
6. Ecological future- Fossil fuels, forests and natural resources are not infinite and using them up more quickly than nature can replenish leads to destruction of environment
7. Unsustainable lifestyle- Planet’s resources are adequate for meeting people’s basic needs worldwide and wealthy nations are using planetary resources at such rates that developing countries have little left for themselves
8. Alleviate poverty- Lifecycle is a endless fight for existence. Particular poor families are often obliged to send their children to work rather than to school hence the poverty is recycled in the next generation.
9. Population optimization for improving financial situation in order to alleviate poverty, sustain lifestyle, educate children in a right way and also helps natural resources to replenish.
10.COVID19 is the window of time for us to take action to start healing or slowing some of the harm effect of climate change